
Welcome to the Tutor Training Hub

The tutor training hub will provide all the information you need to be a successful Reachitt tutor and help students reach their goal. Please review the content and complete the Reachitt tutor training questionnaire to be fully certified as a Reachitt tutor. Print the tutor checklist to help you along the way.

The Reachitt Process (Section 1 of 3)

Reachitt tutors set clear, measurable goals with students and work with a singular focus towards these leveraging the latest tools and technologies. 

The 4 Pillars of the Reachitt Framework (DAMP):

  1. Define: The creation of clearly a defined end goal and understanding the starting point of the student’s journey.

  2. Analyse: The breaking down the main goal into smaller, manageable parts known as foundational areas.

  3. Measure: The continual measurement of progress towards the goal.

  4. Plan: The setup of a comprehensive plan to bridge the gap between the current level of the student and the desired goal.

3 Stages to Student Onboarding (before package purchased):

Stage 1: The student provides information to create a personalised learning plan, which is done free of charge. The student is matched with a tutor who meets their needs.

Stage 2: An introductory call with a tutor, lasting about 15 minutes, takes place to discuss the offerings of both the tutor and Reachitt, aligning them with the student’s goals.

Stage 3: The student purchases a package of sessions to initiate the learning journey. Tutors will be provided a view of how many sessions the student has paid for.

3 Stages to the Student Goal Journey (after package purchased):

Stage 1: A placement test is conducted to assess the student’s current level of knowledge. For some languages where a placement test is not available the tutor should conduct current level testing in the discovery call.

Stage 2: A discovery call is held with the student by the tutor to gain a deeper understanding of their specific goals. The tutor will create the roadmap and detailed learning plan after this call using generator tools. 

Stage 3: Regular lessons are conducted, and check-in calls are held to measure the student’s progress against the roadmap. The final goal date will be the last check-in session. 

Foundation areas are breakdowns of the overall goal into component parts and are specific to student goal.

Our roadmap tool offers a pre-defined set of foundation areas but allows personalisation to suit individual needs. To optimise learning, we recommend focusing on 3-5 foundation areas.

See the image below for example foundation areas based on the goal motivation:

Travelling &

Moving Abroad





General Language Interest
1. Listening accuracy1. Reading accuracy1. Reading accuracy1. Reading comprehension
2. Listening speed2. Writing accuracy2. Reading speed2. Writing accuracy
3. Speaking accuracy3. Speaking accuracy3. Writing accuracy3. Speaking accuracy
4. Speaking speed4. Listening accuracy4. Writing speed4. Listening accuracy
5. Reading Comprehension5. Conjugation5. Commitment level5. Pronunciation

Measurement methods in the context of language learning are techniques used to track the progress of students over time.

The roadmap creation tool proposes measurement methods or you can create your own.

Here are three example measurement methods for different foundation areas:

  1. Speaking: This can be measured by evaluating their speaking accuracy in  fluency, pronunciation, and ability to hold conversations. This assessment can involve recording spoken interactions, conducting oral exams, or engaging in spontaneous conversations with the student.
  2. Reading: To measure reading ability, students can be given texts of increasing complexity, and their comprehension can be assessed through quizzes, summaries, or written responses.
  3. Confidence: Aspects like confidence and self-assessment can be more subjective. Tutors can use a rating scale (e.g., 1-10) where students rate their confidence level in using the language, and educators can also provide their assessment based on observations.

It’s important to ensure that the chosen measurement methods are consistent over time, allowing for a fair and accurate comparison of progress.

Student Introduction & Goal Setup (Section 2 of 3)

a. The Learning Plan & 15 Min Intro Call

The Reachitt free learning plan is an online tool that generates a preliminary plan outline to help students in their goal achievement.

Example free learning plan 

While it provides a glimpse into the Reachitt approach, the free learning plan is not fully personalised to the individual student. Instead it offers a general learning plan based on some simple information provided by the student about their goal.

As a tutor, you will receive access to the student’s learning plan, allowing you to utilise it as a starting point and build from to create a plan specifically tailored to their specific needs and objectives. This ensures a more personalised and effective learning experience for the student.

For the first 15-minute intro call with the student, follow these steps:

  1. Introduce yourself and build rapport. 

  2. Understand the student’s goals. 

  3. Highlight the benefits of Reachitt’s structured framework, personalised learning plans, progress tracking features to support the student’s learning journey.

  4. Explain how your own personal teaching methods and approach to keeping them accountable can help the student.
  5. Guide the student to the available Reachitt packages for purchasing hours with you.

b. The Placement Test & Discovery Call

The Reachitt placement test is a standardised assessment that measures a student’s current level in a specific language.

It identifies their proficiency and helps determine the gap between their current level and their desired goal. This information is valuable for tailoring personalised learning plans and setting realistic milestones.

The placement test is currently only available for some languages. More will become available in the near future as more languages become available through Reachitt.

To run effective discovery calls with students, follow these steps to gather essential information and tailor the language learning experience to their specific needs and goals:

  1. Introduction: Start by introducing yourself and creating a friendly atmosphere. Briefly explain the purpose of the discovery call.
  2. Establish Goals: Understand the specifics about what the student wants to achieve through their language learning, such as travelling, professional advancement, or personal interest.
  3. Motivation: Inquire about the student’s motivation as understanding that will help you personalise the learning experience and keep them engaged throughout the process.
  4. Learning Preferences: Discover how the student prefers to learn. Some may excel through structured sessions, while others may prefer conversational practice or immersive experiences. Inquire about their preferred learning resources (e.g., textbooks, online tools, language apps).
  5. Accountability: Discuss how the student plans to hold themselves accountable for consistent language practice. This could involve setting goals, creating a study schedule, or finding language exchange partners.
  6. Time Dedication: Understand how much time the student can dedicate to language learning each week. This will help in designing a realistic study plan that aligns with their schedule and their long-term learning goal.
  7. Timeframe and Commitments: Clarify the timeframe the student wants to work over and inquire about any existing commitments, such as work, school, or other activities, to consider in planning the sessions.
  8. Assess Current Level: Assess the student’s current language proficiency beyond the placement test. For speaking and listening skills, engage in a conversation with the student and note the duration of the conversation and their approximate accuracy score. Document these findings to track progress over time.
  9. Explain How You Can Help: Based on the information gathered, explain how you can assist the student in reaching their language learning goals. Describe your teaching approach, any specialised methods you use, and how you plan to address their specific needs.
  10. Next Steps: Provide next steps that you will share the roadmap and detailed learning plan


c. The Reachitt Roadmap

The Reachitt roadmap is a detailed plan that outlines how the student will make  progress from their current level to their desired proficiency or goal. See example here: 

Reachitt roadmap 

To populate the roadmap, follow these steps:

  1. Use the roadmap creator tool provided by Reachitt to generate a baseline roadmap. This baseline will be sent to your email for further editing.
  2. Open the roadmap in a Google docs document and customise it according to the student’s specific needs and goals.
  3. Remove any foundation areas that are not relevant or important for the student’s learning journey.
  4. Add the expected progress for the different check-in stages, ideally scheduled approximately every four weeks, or even spaced throughout the student’s programme length.
  5. Adjust the weekly plan considering new topics, exercises or resources 
  6. Create a PDF version of the edited roadmap and send it to the student for review and reference.
  7. Reach out to the student via email to check if they have any changes or questions regarding the roadmap.
  8. Make any necessary amendments based on the student’s feedback and finalise the roadmap with their input.
  9. The plan should be in line with what was discussed during the discovery call not the hours already purchased

Progress Check-Ins (Section 3 of 3)

When running language sessions, adapt your teaching style to meet the student’s needs and focus on the areas specified in the roadmap. Provide comprehensive instruction, monitor progress, offer feedback, and encourage practice and reinforcement.

Tailor the sessions to the individual student, creating a supportive and engaging learning environment.

Progress check-ins are specific points in the learning journey where the student’s progress is measured. Each foundation area has its own measurement method, which is recorded in the original roadmap. The progress score is evaluated against these methods and recorded in the roadmap.

A PDF version of the updated roadmap is then sent to the student to review their progress. Check-ins ensure regular evaluation and tracking of the student’s advancement, keeping both you and the student informed about their journey towards their language learning goals. 

To measure the progress of the student, there are several options available:

  1. Use your own content: You can use your own exercises, quizzes, or reading passages, to assess the student’s proficiency and progress. Tailor the content to each foundation area and evaluate their performance based on predetermined criteria.

  2. Utilise the Reachitt content generator: Reachitt provides a free content generator tool that allows you to request texts aligned with each foundation area. You can specify the language and desired length of the texts. Once generated, you can mark the output or use the marking tool provided to assist with text translations and assessments.

  3. Speaking and listening assessments: For measuring speaking and listening skills, engaging in conversations with the student in the target language is often the most effective approach. Assess their accuracy, fluency, and conversation time during these interactions.


To run progress check-in calls effectively, follow these steps over the first 15 minutes:

  1. Ahead of the call, share the testing materials with the student.

  2. Use the call to discuss completed materials and progress against these.

  3. Conduct testing during the call that was done not before hand (e.g. speaking and listening exercises).

  4. Highlight where the student is on or off track against the original roadmap, and provide guidance if they are off-track.
  5. Populate the progress section of the roadmap report to keep track of how the student is progressing.

The remainder of the call should be used for normal lessons.


Regarding homework, use your judgement and discretion to align it with the student’s goals and needs.

On the final goal date, follow these steps:

  1. Measure progress and compare it to the original roadmap:
    • Similar to the check-in calls, assess the student’s progress and compare it to the milestones and expectations outlined in the original roadmap.
    • Evaluate their achievements and determine if they have successfully reached their goal.

  2. Goal achieved: If the student has met their goal, consider the goal journey as accomplished. Notify the student via email and offer congratulations on their achievement.

  3. Goal not reached: If the student has not reached their goal by the final date, there are two options:
    1. The student can choose to end their journey at that point, recognising the progress they have made.
    2. Alternatively, they can opt to purchase additional hours or sessions to continue working towards their goal beyond the initial time frame.

Discuss the available options with the student and provide guidance based on their preferences and circumstances.